Thursday, February 23, 2006

Hey Jealousy

If only I had bought pre-iPod Apple stock.....

I probably wouldn't be blogging right now, I'd be sleeping, which at 1:30 pm on a Thursday seems like a totally viable thing to do if you're filthy rich (not a corporate slave to big oil) and as utterly lazy as I happen to be. Instead, the rich get richer and here I am, typing away.

Our favorite silhouette-commerical technological juggernaut sold it's one-billionth iTunes song today and the lucky person was handsomely rewarded for not stealing music like the rest of us.
In the spirit of iPod elitism; the winner gets 10 iPods, which can serve no other valid purpose other than to tell everybody else that you've got 9 more iPods than they do. And PS: Suck it.

It is pretty sweet to have a music scholarship named after you, though. If anything, it's gotta make for a cool t-Shirt for the kid who gets it: "Some jackass who's too dumb to use P2P software won 10g's, 10 iPods, and a sweet iMac and all I got was this lousy music scholarship."

At least the guy was downloading something arguably reasonable: the new Coldplay album. Can you imagine if the whole world knew you won the one-billionth song contest downloading something totally random that you've had stuck in your head all day because Toonces mentioned it in the the Neverending Story Theme?

Which reminds me: I still want a Falcor.


At 6:15 PM, Blogger Richard said...

The Neverending Story Theme > Coldplay. I would totally want to be caught downloading something random. I mean, hell, Coldplay is the most listed band on Facebook. Shit. Apple.

At 5:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

$10,000 ITUNES GIFT CARD?!?!?

Holy shit on my face, I would cream my pants, crap myself, then commit suicide, because that would be the greatest moment of my life.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Brian said...

i'm starting up a fund to raise $10,000 for an itunes gift card from vince. if we're all there, we can watch him earn the equivalent of alumni FBS of the decade and but then stop him before he snuffs himself


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